10 Habits For Working Successfully From Home


Many of my clients are looking for ways to assist their teams in learning to work from home successfully. Here is a short list:

  1. Schedule regular office hours and keep them.
  2. Plan and structure your day as usual. Routine and structure will help you feel accomplished and productive.
  3. Set aside a work area. Make sure you have the right light and ergonomic set up. It is also good to negotiate and coordinate ground-rules with family and housemates about hours, interruptions, noise etc.
  4. Keep your normal dress and “get ready for work” habits. You will feel better!
  5. Avoid distractions: turn off social media notifications while working and TV or other media.
  6. Schedule breaks. Get out of the house for some air. Set reminders on your phone to take breaks if you need to.
  7. Make sure you have the right equipment and accounts for tools that enable productivity and communication (Zoom, Slack, WEBX etc.)
  8. Socialize with colleagues e.g. Have lunch together in a zoom room, or share breakfast, breaks or drinks over Zoom or whatever video media you are using.
  9. Over communicate. Tell everyone your schedule and availability for meetings, when you are taking breaks or lunch etc.
  10.  End the day with a routine just like starting the day. Let everyone know when you are signing off for the day … and DO sign off. Don’t let work creep into every other aspect of your life. Especially now when there are gaps that you would normally fill in with social activity.

I hope you find these helpful and please feel free to share them! Please also take a look at my previous blog on 5 ways to manage the emotional side of this pandemic and share as well.

Stay well!

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